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Top 10 Must-Do Gym Exercises to Build Muscle

So, you've decided it's finally time to transform into a glorious, chiseled work of art. Or maybe you just want to get strong to open the jam jar. Well fear not, because we've listed the top 10 muscle-building exercises that WILL turn you into a superhero!

Squats - The King of Leg Day

Squats are like the Beyoncé of exercises – they work on everything, from your quads to your glutes, and even your core. Squat so your knees bend at least 90 degrees, brace your core like you are being thumped in the stomach by Bruce Lee, and push through your heels into the floor.

Bulgarian Split Squats with dumbbells - The Leg Day Annihilator

There is a reason so many people avoid doing this exercise - because they are brutal. But if more people did them then they would also have bulging glutes and quads. Adjust the foot placing to make it more quad of glute focused. Keep the movement slow and steady to create time under tension.

Bench Press - Pec-Popping Power

The bench press is the holy grail of chest workouts. It targets your chest, shoulders, and triceps. Alternate between using the barbell and dumbbells and at varying bench angles. Control the weight down and push back up focusing on driving your lats into the bench to create tension on the chest.

Cable Chest Fly - Arnold Chest Pump

To really give you that Arnold chest pump, master the cable chest fly. Adjusting the position of the cable will allow you to hit different angles of your chest and help create a round, full look. Focus on bringing the elbows together and really feel the burn.

Pull-Ups - The Lat Lifter

Pull-ups are fantastic for your back, particularly your lats and traps. If you're not a pull-up pro yet, don't worry; you can use assistance bands or pull-up assisted machines to get you there. Focus on pulling from your elbows to feel your lats scream in delight.

Dumbbell Rows - Attack the Back

Dumbbell rows are excellent for building a strong back and biceps especially for the next time you do a tug of war. Keep your back straight and pull those dumbbells towards your hip to feel the burn in your lats.

Overhead Press - Shoulders of Steel

The overhead press targets your shoulder muscles, specifically the front and side delts. Make sure to use proper form, and it can be performed sitting or standing.

Lateral raise - The Shoulder Sculpture: The lateral raise targets the side delts and will help sculpt the shoulder to look like boulders. Raise the weight so the end of the movement is marginally lower than your shoulders, and control the weight back down. Choosing a light weight that allows you to perform 12-20 reps is best.

Cable Rope Tricep Pushdown - The Arm Aesthetics

The Tricep makes up 70% of your total arms mass so work it to tone the back of your arms. The Tricep rope pushdown is an easy move but very effective. Make it work harder by keeping keeping tension on the tricep muscle both when pushing down and when returning back to the start position. Up and down, and watch those triceps grow!

Hanging knee raises - Core Strength for Days

Hanging knee raises are the secret to a rock-solid core. Keep the movement slow and go for as many reps as you can. Progress to hanging straight leg raises or make it easier by lying down on the floor and performing these. Extra points if you keep body-fat low to really show off all your hard work.

So, there you have it, the top 10 muscle-building exercises to get you well on your way to becoming the next gym sensation. Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither will your muscles be. Consistency, proper form, and a balanced diet are essential for seeing significant gains. And always listen to your body; if it tells you to rest, then do it. Now go out there, lift heavy, and flex harder – you've got this! 💪😄


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